We're Adopting!

We're Adopting!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Only 4 days until we fly!

Wow... How in the world did time fly by so quickly? I am def. not complaining, but I can hardly believe that our little boy will be here in six days... hopefully. The birth mother's induction date is the 11th, so who knows what will happen! She may deliver before, she may move right along with the Pitocin, or she may take a day or two... we will see! I just pray for the least painful, most perfect delivery.

What are our plans? We're you all financially prepared for this?
These questions have been asked frequently, and I would be wanting to ask the same if I was in our friend's and family's shoes....

We plan to leave on a plane from Paducah Sat morning at 5:45 am. We will arrive in Utah around 12:30 and hang out all day. We have rented a rental car and hotel for a couple weeks. If she delivers early, then we will get the first plane out (change our tickets for no fee) and get our butts to Utah!

Financially, we were as prepared as we could be. Fortunately, Cory and I planned for possible twins when we were trying to conceive and not knowing how good I would be pregnant, we put back as much money as possible so we would be okay since I have not been at the hospital long and do not have enough vacation or sick time. SO, yes we have the money to cover the next couple weeks and my leave, which will be about six weeks. NO, we don't have a dime to go towards the adoption fees. We are looking at paying between $25,000 to 30,000 so fortunately we have a loan from Farmers Bank and will get credited $13,700 over the next couple years from the government.. so we should be just fine! A lot of people fundraise and work hard to raise money for their adoption, and though we did not have time to do so, I felt that this was something we needed to do on our own, with our own money... so we did the best we could do!

I know every penny, every piece of paper work, and every bit of our time will be worth it. Hopefully, we will be home soon with our son...one of God's sons. Hopefully, this time next year I will be planning a one year old birthday party for a boy named Carter, a boy who has already stolen my heart and I haven't even met him yet.

I wanted to share a couple blogs or videos from some wonderful families that are adopting and share the same consultant as me. As you are praying for us and our birth mother, please pray for these families as they are struggling or experiencing the greatest gift yet!

Breaks my heart.... She had twin girls coming:

This is an exciting story! Mr. Victor was a swet NICU kiddo! This video made me think of our NICU kiddos... let me tell ya, it's an amazing job and this is an amazing video!


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