We're Adopting!

We're Adopting!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Painting 101

For those of you who know me, you know I love doing crafts and projects. BUT, I HATE painting and drawing. Mainly because I cannot draw a straight line even with a ruler and painting, um, lets just say a1 toddler can out do me! God bless JD and Lauren... when we first moved into our house some roo1ms desperately needed to be painted and I had no idea where to even begin, heck I didn't even kn1ow how to roll the paint on the roller in order to put it on the wall. They were a wonderful help, a1nd though I do not enjoy it, I reckon I can call myself a painter.
So... The day we decided that we were for sure adopting, I started my Pinterest addiction once again and 1found tons of baby ideas! We decided to do the room in grey with aqua and teal accent. The first ste1p was painting.. I found a room on Pinterest where the walls were grey with a white stripe at the to1p then a blue section at the top with a blue ceiling. It really caught my eye, so of course I have decided to copy this idea and do our baby's room like that!

I posted some before and during pictures for you to see. As of right now, I am ALMOST done! The hold up was the blue. I am making the baby bedding mainly because of expenses. As most of you may or may not know adoption is VERY expensive unfortunately, and we still need a little more funding, so we are trying our hardest to save as much as possible. The bedding I found online with the colors was OUTRAGEOUS, so here I go, making my own! Chelsea Jones, a wonderful friend of mine has offered to help so I am EXCITED to start! I found the fabric I wanted today, so now I can match the blue in it with blue paint!

 His room before....

 The pups are already over all this baby preparation!

His room during....
And hopefully there will be an AFTER picture!! I am hoping to do this Wednesday!

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